Throughout the world, many individuals find themselves on a spiritual conquest, to find the straight and narrow path of righteousness. There has always been a problem with doctrine, and what is actually true. Nevertheless, with thirty-three thousand different sects of religion within the world, which one is correct, and closest to the one truth that Jesus required of us all to pursue. Everyone has an opinion, and their own interpretation of scriptures, which is most definitely a major problem, when seeking the single true path that leads to the riches of heaven. Many times Jesus spoke of himself being the only way. Jesus also said, the words that he spoke, was to be spiritually discerned.
Therefore, there is only one interpretation of his word, and we must all come to that one understanding of any spoken word from the mouth of Christ. Everyone having their own understanding of a scripture, while others have a different interpretation of the same scripture, is not of Christ, but of Mans will and knowledge, of what they believe the scripture to mean to them alone. Thinking in this manner could never bring everyone into accordance as one, as Jesus said “Father make them one as we are one”. This writing will cut through the chase, of different interpretations, and bring you to the most important understanding of your life. You will find yourself tuning inward hearing Christ himself, who will lead you to that one meaning of his spoken word, as he does for others, right from the chambers of heaven within you. Are you ready to hear the teachings from God, broken down into simple words, easy to understand?