Healing hands

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fake Christianity

Over the years I have been one that walks in a much different tune than the common religious person. Being raised in Christianity from my youth, I had no reason or rhyme to not trust what I was hearing in all the churches I attended. As the years passed on by, little things began to bother me, as I heard the small quit voice within correcting me. I would argue with myself, ever time the preacher began to sermonize the scripture stories, this voice within me also began to preach. This inner voice would say "this is not correct, that is wrong" continually each week.
Mostly in the early 2000's, It became very uncomfortable for me to attend church. By 2003, I couldn't believe a word coming out of the pastors mouth concerning the bible and the truth within. I was having intense dreams, seeing angelic encounters, along with others whom was coming to my home for prayer meetings, digging deep trying to have that special moment with God. We all wanted to feel the most in depth feelings from the holy ghost. I approached my pastor many times, with the things I was hearing within myself as he preached. He assured me he was speaking the truth and that there was no other way. When he told me I was being deceived by Satan coming as an angel of light, this frightened me deeply.
The last thing I wanted was to be deceived, I was on a conquest to find heaven, and just loved the little country church and the pastor, along with his family. When the pastor spoke this to me about the devil, the voice within said “no he isn't the pastor is lying” so I kept this one to myself. I began haven dreams, and one that will stick with me forever. I won't go into detail, just that in the dream I was instructed to read the book called, “Enoch” so again I approached my pastor. I said, pastor I had a crazy dream last night, and it told me to read and study the book Enoch, and I asked the pastor if he every heard of a book called Enoch, because I hadn't. He told me yes, the book does exist, so that blew my mind right there knowing some other force was speaking directly to me. This happened in my subconscious mind while sleeping. The pastor explained to me that we will not speak about this to anyone in the congregation, but he would show me the book online.
The pastor made it very clear to me to keep quit over the whole issue, and described to me that the book was an evil book, with a bad spirit. I was and will always be on a journey to find the invisible things of God, because I love to dwell in the now moment where thing are capable of happening without notice. I thought to myself, wow! Now, I am in a direct difference with the church, and pastor, because an invisible force instructed me to read the book, and the pastor said, we weren't going to have it in the church. He told me it was a book not canonized, meaning they didn't pick it to be one of the book in the bible. Truly it should have been, for it is completely about the stars in the sky, and astrology.
This is what the church fears, astrology, and the study of it. However, God placed a tabernacle in the stars. Psalms 19:4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. 6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

This is the constellation "Orion" and it is spoken of highly in the scripture. Notice the seven bright stars. Those are the seven stars spoke with Orion in Amos 5:8. Later you will learn they are the seven sisters, and one star is "Seir" spoken by Moses in his blessing upon the twelve tribes, Duet 33:2. 

The churches directed by the Roman empire stay very clear away from observing the stars, Sun, and moon, these are the things contained in the book of, Enoch. The bible is full of astrology, and the stars are a sign for us to follow. The Mazzaroth, is the Zodiac spoke in the book of Job. People the Zodiac, and astrology is our biblical teachings, and the churches have killed you , and placed you in bondage from truly understanding God, his son, and yourself. It is the hidden manna from heaven, all the bible stories are played out in the starts yearly, seasonal, and daily. There never was a literal man crucified on a cross, and tortured for your sin. I grew up believing the same thing you now do. The problem is that it takes decades to learn the true knowledge of God, because one most learn the outer Zodiac, and stars before understanding them within ourselves. So is above, so is below. The kingdom of heaven is within us, as Jesus spoke. When we understand the outer heaven and tabernacle then we can understand the inner. Just as the Sun/Son is crucified in the constellation the “the crux, or cross, so must he be crucified within all of us, on daily, monthly, and yearly cycles. I am not against any christian, it is the bondage of the system called Christianity that is the problem. I have a lot to learn, and you should get stared so that you at least get an opening understanding, before being born again, into this world physically. 

Here is the Cross of the son, as the Sun passes through it on Dec21, headed to be entombed three days, and nights in the belly of the earth, known as the winter solstice, when the sun stops for three days, then is born again on Dec 25. Jesus never literally died on a wooden cross in Golgotha. Golgotha means "Skull" it takes place in your mind, and in the mind of God, which is the universal mind of God. Please visit my website to find more truths concerning you and the mind of Christ. Click here to visit

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